Club Nights
Every Friday night the club is open in the St Lawrence Church Hall,37 Bromley Road, Catford SE6 2TS. Members and non-members are welcome to come down and play. Non-members will have to pay £10 a night to play, but this includes use of the clubs extensive scenery collection and, more importantly, your first three visits are free!
The games played each night at the club are extremely varied, although some common ones played regularly are, ADLAG, Warhammer (8th edition Fantasy, 40k and Age of Sigmar), X-wing, Malifaux and Bolt Action. In addition to traditional Wargames there are also groups who regularly play RPGs and Boardgames. A great way to see what games are played at the club (and the scenery and mats we have) is to take a look at our Facebook page.
If you fancy coming down and getting involved please feel free to drop us a line on our contact page or the Facebook page. The Facebook group is the best place to find a game, simply post with what system/size of game your looking for and you’ll usually find an opponent easily enough (and if no one on the Facebook group is forth coming one of our fine Committee members will usually be able to find willing opponents.)
As well as one of games SELWG members also run a variety of campaigns and tournaments that members are welcome to join. Recent ones have included: ADLAG, Warhammer 40K, Warhammer Fantasy, Necromunds, BloodBowl and Kill Team. Events happen throughout the year and are mostly geared toward the more casual (or fluffy for GW devotees) players, although there is a good level of competitive play represented as well. For upcoming events; please see our calendar
Here are some of the scenery sets we have available at SELWG:
(Pics of scenery sets)