Gallery of Glory
Sometimes our intrepid club members strike out into the wider world of Wargamming and seek out competition with people from outside the realms of Catford (I know, dangerous). We’ve had members playing in tournaments as far afield as America in the past (Adepticon) and plenty of activity in the more local wargamming scene. We haven’t all won top prizes but everyone puts their best into it.
Within this page we will attempt to keep track of the successes and spectacular failures of our roving adventurers:
Throne of Skulls Doubles - Warhammer World 13th April 2019
Two of our members made the long trek up to Nottingham to take part in The Throne of Skulls Doubles in April. In a very unSELWG like display of skill and bravery they managed to not only win the entire competition but also came home with the awards for both Best Army and Most Sporting. Well done Matt and Jonathan
Battle Bretheren 24th Feb 2019
For this one day Warhammer 40k doubles event the club managed to send 5 teams of intrepid Generals to this event run by Meta . No podium places for them, but plenty of favourite game votes from opponents so, well done everyone. Special mention goes to Meatshield Rob, so many dead Tzaangors.
2018/2019 SELWG Warhammer 40K Tournament
Congratulations to Antonio Lopez on his victory in the annual 40K tournament. Antonio brought his Eldar army and proved he was the best general time and time again, battering his way to the top spot.